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Showing posts with label Punjab Univerity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Punjab Univerity. Show all posts

All Universities Request HEC for a Special COVID-19 Package to Fully Implementation SOPs

Penulis : Dating Lovers on Friday, October 30, 2020 | October 30, 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

 Considering the predominant COVID-19 pandemic, the Vice-Chancellors (VCs) of the apparent multitude of public and private colleges have mentioned the legislature to give an exceptional bundle to colleges to empower them to actualize the necessary SOPs successfully and forestall episodes on grounds. 

The college heads met online to audit the consistency of 'Coronavirus wellbeing and security conventions' and offer the accepted procedures presented for the security of understudies, personnel, and staff against the spread of COVID-19 at their foundations.

Tending to the gathering, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Chairman, Tariq Banuri, offered his thanks for the huge initiative showed by the Vice Chancellors in such a manner. He said that while the legislature and HEC had given thorough rules, the genuine test was in the field, and the circumstance stayed leveled out on many grounds in light of the opportune and creative methodology taken by college pioneers.

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Punjab, Dr. Niaz Akhtar, explained the point by point activities taken to forestall any flare-ups and to separate and treat any episode. He said that the most basic activity was to present for all individuals from the college the significance of watching fundamental security conventions like wearing a veil consistently, washing hands habitually, and keeping up social separation.

The universities had to help this by legitimate perception and reconnaissance, quick segregation and clinical consideration for suspected cases, utilization of crossover showing techniques (through money related impetuses), giving understudies the choice of going to classes on the web, and presenting security measures in eating and different administrations.

Other Vice-Chancellors shared data on the inventive practices they have presented on their grounds. These incorporate the improvement of COVID-19 testing mastery in college labs at the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, the utilization of overflow study halls to decrease thickness at Peshawar University, giving advising to understudies to adapt to the predominant vulnerability and presenting motivations for agreeing to SOPs at Lahore University of Management Sciences. 

Moreover, the utilization of shaded cards for understudies going to morning and evening classes at Karakoram International University, exploiting the digitization of cycles at Sargodha University to limit the requirement for direct contact, and training understudies about COVID and it's a probable future pattern at various colleges was likewise energized.

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University of the Punjab Complete History

Penulis : Dating Lovers on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 | September 16, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

 The University of Punjab was officially settled with the assembling of the principal meeting of its Senate on October 14, 1882, at Simla.

University of the Punjab Complete History

The University of Punjab was officially settled with the assembling of the primary gathering of its Senate on October 14, 1882, at Simla. It was the fourth University to be built up by the British provincial experts on the Indian Subcontinent. The initial three colleges were set up by the British rulers at their underlying fortresses of Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta. The University of Punjab appeared because of a since quite a while ago drawn battle of the individuals of Punjab after the war of autonomy in 1857. In opposition to the three recently settled colleges, which were just looking at organizations, the University of Punjab was both educating just as inspecting the body directly from the earliest starting point.

The commitment of Dr. G. W. Leitner, an illuminated Hungarian and a naturalized Britisher, was instrumental in the foundation of this University. He turned into its first Registrar. Prof. A. C. Woolner, who remained Vice-Chancellor of this University from 1928-1936, assumed a key part in its improvement during the underlying many years of this century. His sculpture actually remains before the Allama Iqbal Campus of the University.

Until freedom in 1947 The University of Punjab satisfied the instructive needs of a tremendous area of the Subcontinent. A segment of the Subcontinent fairly diminished the geological furthest reaches of the locale of the University. Be that as it may, for a long time after autonomy it actually went over huge regions including Punjab, NWFP, Baluchistan, and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. New colleges were set up later in the nation to impart obligation regarding conferring advanced education to the University of Punjab. 

The quality of the University Faculty was incredibly decreased as a result of the relocation of non-Muslim educators and researchers at the hour of autonomy. The University working was reestablished, chiefly because of the endeavors of the prominent educationists like Dr. Umar Hayat Malik, who turned into the principal Vice-Chancellor after the freedom. Scholastic projects were started not long after the autonomy of numerous new offices.

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Punjab University Announces Phase-wise Reopening Schedule & COVID-19

Penulis : Dating Lovers on Sunday, September 13, 2020 | September 13, 2020

Sunday, September 13, 2020

  • Punjab University Announces Phase-wise Reopening Schedule & COVID
Punjab University has chosen to continue nearby instructive exercises for the scholarly year 2020-21 out of three stages beginning from 15 September. 

The establishment will resume under exacting COVID-19 SOPs concocted all in all by the commonplace government and the Higher Education Commission.

As per Punjab University's representative, Khuram Shahzad, online classes will proceed in corresponding with the customary method of educating until further requests. 

In any case, understudies who choose nearby classes will be conceded a half expense waiver.

Phase 01

The main stage will begin from 15 September and proceed till 25 October. 

On 15 September, employees and exploration staff will begin working from the college. 

The very day, Ph.D. also, M.Phil. understudies will likewise continue their examination and lab work. The lodgings for Ph.D. also, M.Phil. understudies will return on 23 September. 

Customary yearly assessments of M.A/MSc. Part-II and LLB (3 years and 5 years program) will begin from 26 September and that of Pharmacy and Geology will begin from 1 October. 

The affirmation cycle of MS, M.Phil. also, Ph.D. will begin on 1 October. The affirmation cycle for BS, M.A/MSc. has just been started on 10 September. 

Then, online classes of all semesters of all orders BS and M.A./MSc. will proceed till 30 October.

Phase 02

The subsequent stage will begin from 2 November and will proceed till 15 December. 

Nearby classes of BA (Hons.)/BS (Hons.) third and seventh semesters and M.A/MSc. the third semester will continue during the subsequent stage. 

These understudies will likewise have the alternative to keep accepting training through online mode. 

In the interim, the lodgings of the previously mentioned understudies will return from 2 November and 15 December. 

On 15 December, these understudies should empty lodgings for a solitary day to oblige the understudies returning to inns in stage three.

Phase 03

The last phase will begin on 16 December.

On-campus classes of BA (Hons.)/ BS (Hons.) 1st and 5th semesters and MA/MSc. Part-I 1st semester will start in this phase.

These students will also have the option to continue receiving education through online mode.

The hostels of the above-mentioned students will reopen on 16 December as well.


Punjab University has concocted Coronavirus SOPs as a team with the HEC and the common government to forestall the resurgence of Coronavirus on its grounds. 

Here are a portion of the SOPs:
Understudies and educators must wear face veils and watch social removing on the grounds 

Online classes will proceed all the while with nearby classes. The individuals who select nearby classes will get a half charge waiver. 

Understudies who once begin dwelling in lodgings won't be permitted to leave the grounds for the remainder of the semester. They will likewise be needed to present an endeavor from their folks to hold fast to the SOPs. 

Bistros and flasks in the college will be opened for takeaways just while booths in the region of inns will stay shut. 

Feasting corridors in the inns will likewise stay shut and understudies will be needed to eat their dinners inside their rooms. 

College's vehicle will work at 30% of its complete limit. 

No capacity of any sort will be permitted on the grounds. 

Committed Coronavirus seclusion wards will be set up on the grounds where specialists of the commonplace wellbeing office will stay on backup to manage any suspected Coronavirus case. 

Punjab University's Web TV and FM Radio will scatter all the most recent news with respect to the Coronavirus circumstance nearby.

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