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Showing posts with label Punjab Universities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Punjab Universities. Show all posts

Bachelors Admissions 2020 Form Schedule Fee Procedure Last Date

Penulis : Dating Lovers on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 | September 30, 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


In Pakistan, there are some notable instructive organizations that are offering affirmations in various Bachelor's level projects. Every one of these schools and colleges open affirmations at a single man's level not long after the declaration of bury yearly tests result. For this reason, the schools and colleges both private and public additionally distribute the confirmation-related promotions in papers and furthermore on their official sites. The accessibility of structures likewise starts after the affirmation of bury results.


Bachelors Admissions 2020 In Pakistan

Bachelors Admissions 2020 In Pakistan

To apply for the unhitched male confirmation, the hopefuls are expected to gather the affirmation structures from the affirmation workplaces of the individual school or college or from the distributed bank offices by the establishment. 

Thereafter, the hopefuls are needed to present the properly filled confirmation frames alongside the necessary archives at a similar spot from where they gather the affirmation structures inside the given date. After finishing all things considered and given cutoff time the establishments show merit list for the chose understudies. The establishments typically show three legitimacy records with the hole of barely any days. 

At that point, the chose understudies are needed to present their expenses as quickly as time permits. 

In Pakistan, the lone wolf's level starts not long after the fruitful culmination of a moderate level. The single guy's level is otherwise called undergrad level. Typically, at this level, the hopefuls pick the course to consider which they have likewise learned at the middle level or a few understudies additionally change their course according to their advantage. 

As a rule, Bachelor's level is thought of as the fundamental way in the life of each understudy. After the effective consummation of the bury level, the applicants apply for the lone rangers affirmations in schools and colleges offering a single guy's level for the course wherein they have intrigue. 

To get a confirmation in any clinical school or college it is compulsory for the competitors to show up in MDCAT (passage test) held under the oversight of UHS. Moreover, the hopefuls who have contemplates Pre-designing at Inter level and need to seek after higher investigations in the building field are needed to show up in the ECAT passage test directed by UET. 

It is additionally obligatory for the hopefuls searching for the affirmations in unhitched males projects to show up in the NAT-I test as it is the necessity of the vast majority of people in general and private segment colleges. 

The colleges and universities offer a number of courses and projects at a single man's level.

The list of some major fields of study is as follows:

  1. Computer Science & IT
  2. Engineering
  3. Accounting and Finance
  4. Medical
  5. Business and Management
  6. Humanities
  7. Arts & Design
  8. Law
  9. Media Studies & others.

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Punjab University Announces Phase-wise Reopening Schedule & COVID-19

Penulis : Dating Lovers on Sunday, September 13, 2020 | September 13, 2020

Sunday, September 13, 2020

  • Punjab University Announces Phase-wise Reopening Schedule & COVID
Punjab University has chosen to continue nearby instructive exercises for the scholarly year 2020-21 out of three stages beginning from 15 September. 

The establishment will resume under exacting COVID-19 SOPs concocted all in all by the commonplace government and the Higher Education Commission.

As per Punjab University's representative, Khuram Shahzad, online classes will proceed in corresponding with the customary method of educating until further requests. 

In any case, understudies who choose nearby classes will be conceded a half expense waiver.

Phase 01

The main stage will begin from 15 September and proceed till 25 October. 

On 15 September, employees and exploration staff will begin working from the college. 

The very day, Ph.D. also, M.Phil. understudies will likewise continue their examination and lab work. The lodgings for Ph.D. also, M.Phil. understudies will return on 23 September. 

Customary yearly assessments of M.A/MSc. Part-II and LLB (3 years and 5 years program) will begin from 26 September and that of Pharmacy and Geology will begin from 1 October. 

The affirmation cycle of MS, M.Phil. also, Ph.D. will begin on 1 October. The affirmation cycle for BS, M.A/MSc. has just been started on 10 September. 

Then, online classes of all semesters of all orders BS and M.A./MSc. will proceed till 30 October.

Phase 02

The subsequent stage will begin from 2 November and will proceed till 15 December. 

Nearby classes of BA (Hons.)/BS (Hons.) third and seventh semesters and M.A/MSc. the third semester will continue during the subsequent stage. 

These understudies will likewise have the alternative to keep accepting training through online mode. 

In the interim, the lodgings of the previously mentioned understudies will return from 2 November and 15 December. 

On 15 December, these understudies should empty lodgings for a solitary day to oblige the understudies returning to inns in stage three.

Phase 03

The last phase will begin on 16 December.

On-campus classes of BA (Hons.)/ BS (Hons.) 1st and 5th semesters and MA/MSc. Part-I 1st semester will start in this phase.

These students will also have the option to continue receiving education through online mode.

The hostels of the above-mentioned students will reopen on 16 December as well.


Punjab University has concocted Coronavirus SOPs as a team with the HEC and the common government to forestall the resurgence of Coronavirus on its grounds. 

Here are a portion of the SOPs:
Understudies and educators must wear face veils and watch social removing on the grounds 

Online classes will proceed all the while with nearby classes. The individuals who select nearby classes will get a half charge waiver. 

Understudies who once begin dwelling in lodgings won't be permitted to leave the grounds for the remainder of the semester. They will likewise be needed to present an endeavor from their folks to hold fast to the SOPs. 

Bistros and flasks in the college will be opened for takeaways just while booths in the region of inns will stay shut. 

Feasting corridors in the inns will likewise stay shut and understudies will be needed to eat their dinners inside their rooms. 

College's vehicle will work at 30% of its complete limit. 

No capacity of any sort will be permitted on the grounds. 

Committed Coronavirus seclusion wards will be set up on the grounds where specialists of the commonplace wellbeing office will stay on backup to manage any suspected Coronavirus case. 

Punjab University's Web TV and FM Radio will scatter all the most recent news with respect to the Coronavirus circumstance nearby.

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University of the Punjab Admissions (PU)

Penulis : Dating Lovers on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 | September 08, 2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


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